Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz: It Never Ends

It is a fiery show today as Frank and Beanz spend much of the hour discussing the Robert Mueller press conference and its implications moving forward. What was the purpose? Why now? Who knew about it and what could THEIR motive have been? Tracy and Frank do their best to summarize it all for you.

Then, towards the end of the show, Beanz has some breaking news in the form of an OIG summary report, where again, it seems no one is being held accountable.

It’s not the happiest of shows, but it sure is PASSIONATE!

Do not miss the “Dark to Light”podcast today!


Attorney General’s Office: Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Unauthorized Contacts with
the Media, Disclosing Law Enforcement and Other Sensitive Information to the Media, and Accepting a Gift from the Media


Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter and subscribe to her YouTube channel!
Follow Frank on Twitter, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly!

Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Google Play!

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