Banter Is Coming: “The Spoils Of War”

Banter LogoSh*t just got real on Game of Thrones!

Kaleesi is mad and she’s not gonna take it anymore. After watching Tyrion blow the first two battles vs the Lannister army, she brought her Dothrakis and she brought her dragon and she broke get the pain! Is Jamie Lannister dead??? One of us thinks so.

Also in the episode…..

The Lannisters pay their debt.

Arya Stark comes home, gets carded at the door, reunites with Sansa and her creepy little brother… and then she whoops Brienne of Tarth’s ass in an epic sword battle. Has little Arya Stark become the best sword fighter in Westeros?

Jon Snow drops a bombshell on Danyerus Targaryian and he drops the mack down.

…..and finally, a bunch of people get lit on fire, because Game of Thrones.


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