We get right into it today, and the show centers some around the ridiculous flex by the LGBTQ organizers of the march where people were chanting “We’re coming for your children.” They are now claiming they use those slogans to combat the bigotry against their community. Frank and Beanz dissect why that is just false, while showing you the levels of degeneracy they have stooped to, and dunking on the now absolutely, positively lost “Bud Light.” Then, we cover the Trump tape leak and some Hunter Biden. It’s a great Wednesday show!

NBC Article: https://archive.is/IKi1z
NYC LGBTQ want your kids: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12230639/Were-coming-children-Topless-activists-drag-queens-spark-outrage-NYC-Pride.html
They attack their own: https://twitter.com/sav_says_/status/1673092345879830531

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