Tracy is out today, so Frank is going through some of the news we have endured over the weekend. Biden makes a ridiculous overture for votes by pardoning people who don’t exist.
Eric Adams can’t handle more migrants after a few thousand show up. Twitter pulls a Paypal on COVID vaccine warnings, and much more.

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One Response

  1. Laurie Robinson

    Hi Tracy, I wanted to tell you that I listened to your show where you talk about Covid being around in November 2019. I got very sick right before Thanksgiving 2019 for about three weeks with a terrible cough to where I couldn’t even stand up straight. They did a chest x-ray which was normal and they did rib x-rays because I coughed so much I thought I broke ribs. I had terrible stuffiness And a headache. Fever for about 2 days. My doctor told me that I had the flu but because I worked in healthcare, I am the type of person where I want my doctor to prove to me that I have something so I made her test me. I tested negative for flu. My doctor said it was a mystery. My cough was horrible. It sounded very productive but I didn’t have anything in my lungs. It was all in my bronchioles I was doing nebulizer treatments which didn’t help much. She finally put me on a Z pack, some steroids and a steroid inhaler (budesonide) along with my rescue inhaler and I got better. I’m pretty sure I had Covid. My son got sick also.


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