Arriving in America with his family from Ireland at age eight, Erik calls the day he became a U.S. citizen in 2016 “the proudest moment of his life.” The founder/president of “Businesses for Liberty,” Erik works tirelessly educating, enlightening and explaining why America remains the world’s greatest country, one worth fighting for. Tune in and feel the passion!

Information for Erik Corcoran:
Truth Social @BusinessesForLiberty | Facebook | Telegram

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One Response

  1. Frances Gillespie

    Hi Gary!
    Thank You for this podcast which I think you taped just before I started listening to you. Erik Corcoran is a great choice as a guest. I love his story: coming from Ireland to the USA and doing his best to promote our economy and honor our country.

    Eric has a great history coming from a country where the Irish people had suffered. He brought his dreams here and made a new bunch of friends. His history is anything but boring. Unfortunately, Islam has taken hold in his motherland.

    So glad to hear that his Dad found Christ after having hard luck in his business. What an interesting time to grow up in CA. After arriving at the age of 8, the USA had started to change and became woke when he was in college. He stuck to his guns and would not join the leftist group think. When the police came unfortunately they could do nothing.

    Wow! It took him 18 years to become a Citizen. Is there a video of Erik Corcoran marching with the flag or speaking about our country? I’m so glad to hear that some Patriots saved him from being locked up on Jan. 6th.

    Having been a lifelong Republican, I am glad that Erik has chosen to be a part of our party. I could never think of one thing the dems ever did for the people of our country. We the People, came before his new group that I shall look for on Truth Social. So glad you included the link @BusinessesForLiberty. I also read Art of the Deal and it can now be found on youtube in the audio-book version. Your rating for this is a 10.


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