United Patriots Uprising: God & Government: Do Religion & Politics Mix?

United Patriots Uprising“God & Government: Do Religion & Politics Mix?” They better–if we want to retain our freedom and liberty passionately proclaim guests actor NICK SEARCY, producer of the film, “America, America, God Shed His Grace On Thee”; author/talk radio host E.W. JACKSON, bishop of The Called Church in Chesapeake, VA; JACK HIBBS, founder/senior pastor of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, CA; STAR PARKER, founder/president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE); international human rights attorney VIRGINIA PRODAN, author of the book, “Saving My Assassin” and scholar/author DR. STEVE TURLEY, who posts daily videos/podcasts at TurleyTalks.com.

Information for this episode guests:
Nick Searcy –> Shedhisgrace.com
Bishop E.W. Jackson –>  Instagram | Facebook
Pastor Jack Hibbs –> Instagram | Facebook
Star Parker –> CurePolicy.org | Facebook
Virginia Prodan –> Instagram | Facebook
Dr. Steve Turley –> TurleyTalks.com

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