Krush Performance: Coaching Bias & Talent Identification

KP - PHOTO FOR RI SHOWWhy do some coaches have more success than others? Is it possible they see things others don’t?

Perhaps they focus on characteristics that other coaches do not. We do know that no one has a greater influence on a team’s approach, internal culture, and learning environment than the coach(s).

For decades researchers and practitioners have discussed an elusive ability that allows some coaches to see qualities in an athlete that point to their talent and future potential that other coaches just don’t see. A trait referred to as The Coaches’ Eye.

This week on Krush Performance, we wrap up our 3-part mini-series looking at Talent and Talent ID. We are joined by Dr. Alex Roberts of La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Roberts’ research has focused on coaching and her recent publication, “The Coaches Eye: Exploring decision making during talent identification,” highlights a fascinating concept called coaching bias.

Coaching Bias is not necessarily a negative thing, but it describes how coaches may choose athletes based more on their own values and strengths rather than the pure talent and skill of the athletes they are evaluating.

If the talent identification values of the coach, team, and organization are not aligned it is very difficult to have success. For the athlete, you must be very aware of what the coach values and that you are entering an environment where you can develop and succeed.

It’s fascinating and it is a major influence at all levels of sports.

For anyone involved in sport, this is a must-listen episode of Krush Performance as we dive into coaching and the coach’s role in talent identification.

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