Krush Performance: You Are Getting Sleepy….. Very, Very Sleepy

KP - PHOTO FOR RI SHOWThis week we take a serious look at our number one performance priority: Sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? How much sleep is enough sleep?

We talk with Krush favorite, Dr. Charles Samuels from the Center for Sleep & Human Performance. Get locked in as we discuss sleep strategies, sleep science and we look at the pros and cons of the sleep wearables, are they giving you the information you need? Also, we’ll take a very serious look at over-the-counter sleep aids, we fear that they greatly misunderstood and are being misused at an alarming rate.

Then, we look at sleep technology from another angle. Considering the amount of time we spend sleeping or resting in bed, we might as well be as comfortable as possible.

Question: Do you have the right mattress?

We talk with the Founder and CEO of, Sam Prochazka. We look at the very latest mattress technology, the new and innovative options that are now available and what you need to consider to find the right mattress for you. Choosing the right mattress is very specific to the individual we’ll help you get it right.

Let’s set you up for a good night’s sleep on this week’s episode of Krush Performance.

You are getting sleepy…..very, very sleepy.

As always, if you have a topic you would like us to investigate get to us at and keep yourself on the cutting edge of human performance. Subscribe to the Krush Performance Podcast and sign up for our weekly newsletter while you are there.

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