Krush Performance: Could There Be A New Addition To The Top Krush Performance Priorities?

KP - PHOTO FOR RI SHOWThis week, we look at the return of professional sport. There are going to be hiccups and there already have been some. It is going to be a process we look at where we are at in the return of sport.

We need your help. Should there be an addition to the Krush Top Priorities For Performance?

For the last 5-6 years, it has been written in stone:

  1. Sleep Rest & Recovery
  2. Nutrition & Hydration
  3. Posture & Range of Motion
  4. Movement
  5. ?????

Number 5? Should we?

As always, if you have a topic you would like us to investigate get to us at and, keep yourself on the cutting edge of human performance Subscribe to the Krush podcast and sign up for our weekly Newsletter while you are there.

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