Dark To Light: It’s Stimulus Time!

It is Wednesday so we talk about the new stimulus bill, go over a few of the things in the last iteration that weren’t mentioned, and we turn our sights to the criminal media, a media responsible for sharing dangerous disinformation about a couple (we are wondering if it is even real at this point) who drank aquarium chemicals that contained a variant of the drug, cloroquine, that is helping many across the globe to make it through coronavirus.

Then, we talk about the governor of Nevada blocking docs from prescribing it, Joe Biden, the future of our elections, and we end with something really quite entertaining that is NSFW and NSFK (Not safe for kids).

Chin up! We will make it to the other side.


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (The CARES Act)

Tracy Beanz goes after NBC

New York City educates on “safe sex” during the crisis


Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter, subscribe to her YouTube channel, and check out her newest venture, UncoverDC.com!

Follow Frank on Twitter, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly!

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One Response

  1. Eve Goodson

    Riiiight, now we know why there’s such a stampede for toilet paper, it’s for the super turbo hygiene before we all practice the art of ‘Rimming’. LMAO


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