The Cannabis Podcast Powered By Trulieve: Coca Cola Interest In Cannabis Business

The Cannabis PodcastThis week on The Cannabis Podcast Powered by Trulieve, former NFL offensive lineman Ian Beckles discusses the latest news in the medical cannabis business including the interest Coca Cola has shown recently with Cannabis.

Before Ian gets to the news related to Coca Cola and cannabis, Ian hits on the story about a woman finding a 100 pound bushels of marijuana in a beach. How would Ian react if he was involved in this situation? Find out at the beginning of this week’s podcast.

Then Ian hits on Coca Cola putting money in the cannabis industry. He tells you what the beverage maker is looking to do in the cannabis business and talks about how different industries are using CBD in their products to help people and animals.

All of this and so much more on this episode of The Cannabis Podcast Powered by Trulieve and if you have a question for next week’s podcast, submit your question by sending an email to Ian (

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