The MMA Report Podcast: Paul Gift, Daniel Straus, Marcin Held, and Justin Lawrence Radio Influence Staff November 3, 2015
The MMA Report Podcast: Patricio Pitbull, Will Brooks, James Thompson, Bobby Lashley, and Emmanuel Sanchez Radio Influence Staff October 29, 2015
The MMA Report Podcast: Michael Chandler, Rick Hawn, Sam Oropeza, and Vince Eazelle Radio Influence Staff October 27, 2015
The MMA Report Live: Andre Soukhamthath, Greg Rebello, Dinis Paiva, Eric Spicely, and Mike Mucitelli Radio Influence Staff October 22, 2015
The MMA Report: Chuck O’Neil, Tex Johnson, Mark Cherico, and Eric Irvin Radio Influence Staff October 20, 2015