Dark To Light

The State of the Union

We had a fiery show today. Beanz lets it ALL out. Frank is sick so he wasn't able to join, but Beanz talks about the SOTU, what is at stake, and her opinion on what we need to do moving forward. Vote like your ... Read More...

Fun Friday!

We had fun today. It was a fun show. We got some of the serious stuff out of the way in the beginning, and then fly right into some laughs, reminiscing and good ol' fashioned fun. Check the show links for what ... Read More...

On The Lighter Side

There will be lots of links in the show notes today, because we got a lot in and it jumps around. We start with Fani in GA and where we are there, then we move to the SC primary and the stream of boos coming fr... Read More...

What Did We Miss

We discuss the COVID-19 shots today, after a study was released yesterday showing the harm that comes from taking them. We also discuss the V-Safe free text data that was released as we go over it in real time.... Read More...

The Power of YOU

The Spygate story is front and center again, but it is time to take a trip down memory lane. YOU are the reason we have come so far. YOU are the reason we have the truth. YOU are the reason we continue on. Plea... Read More...