What does it take to make the Big Leagues?

If it were only this simple.

There are countless variables, and the pathway may be different for each player but there are a couple of attributes that just might increase your odds of making it.

GRIT, determination, hardiness, resilience, coachability, fate and yes, some talent.

All of these play a roll in “making it” the interesting thing… you have great control over all of these.

As MLB spring training gets underway and as the snow begins to melt up north baseball players everywhere are gearing up for the season.

Today we kick off a series of shows looking into talent development, injury prevention and all out performance and we’ll use the game of baseball as our backdrop.

There is plenty to learn from the game of baseball – even if baseball is not your sport. Professional sport teams are constantly looking to other sports to learn and expand their thinking. This is why you will see executives from NHL teams visiting MLB teams or NBA teams traveling to Europe to visit the great soccer teams there is plenty to learn when you take a good look at how teams in different sports operate.

Over the next few episodes, we will be doing exactly this, looking into the game of baseball.

If baseball is your sport this will be a great place to be in order to get a better understanding of the baseball performance landscape.

If baseball is not your sport, you will gain insights, strategies and a glimpse into the issues facing this sport and how teams and organizations and players are working to thrive and push performance to new levels.

We begin our journey by looking at the Journey of making it to the Big Leagues as we talk with one of my former players, Bob File, former Major League Pitcher with the Toronto Blue Jays.

Bob was drafted by the Jays in 1998 and quickly found his way to the big leagues. We came up the ranks together – I was the Head Minor League Strength and Conditioning coach at that time and a few years later both Bob and I found our selves in the Bigs Leagues.

We talk with Bob about his journey, his approach, what he learned and now in retrospect what advice does he have for up-and-coming players with the dream of playing Major League baseball.

One thing that is perfectly clear, no one does it alone when it comes to Creating Coachable Players.

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