The chairman of ACT for America provides insight into all angles of the shocking assassination attempt on Donald Trump; our need for courage in the face of adversity; a weaponized government has turned against We The People; patriots must stand/work together to insure Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.

Information for Brigitte Gabriel :

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One Response

  1. Frances Gillespie

    Great show with Brigitte Gabriel. She is someone I can relate to.
    My Dad had to leave Ukraine as a boy with his sister during the pogroms when the Russians invaded their home during lunch as the family gathered around the table.

    The killed my Grandfather and Grandmother before my Father’s eyes and he escaped with my Aunt as they looted the house and took over my Grandparent’s possessions.

    My Dad came here with nothing and an uncle cared for him. I was very fortunate to be born here until these communist dems started taking over. First realized this with Obama’s hope and change. I now know how evil that hope and change was. It is being used to rob us of our freedoms.

    We can only hope to make America great again by electing Donald J. Trump. This man has proven to us that he loves all Americans. In case there is any doubt who tried to kill Trump, one has to look no further than the CIA and the dems


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