Missy Dassinger tells the story of her family’s animals at their ranch in ND, and attempts by local officials, a veterinarian, and animal rights groups to confiscate their animals, or at least the ones with value. The Humane Society of the United States, an animal rights group, had offered $5000 to anyone who turned in animal owners that resulted in conviction. Was the monetary incentive a driving force? Why was the call accusing Missy’s father of not caring for his animals from an anonymous person that had not even seen the farm and was not in ND? While none of us want to see animals abused or neglected, it is also important that facts, expertise, and clear heads prevail when faced with a possible issue. Missy Dassinger worked to get the law in ND changed so that there must be a hearing before the local law enforcement can seize animals. Also, that an inventory of the animals, and where they are being kept is provided. If the Dassinger ranch was not caring for their animals, why did officials leave the animals on the farm, and allow Gary Dassinger to care for them? This is definitely a story that falls under #thereismoretothestory! The movie, The Stand at Paxton Co. tells the Dassinger’s story.

Episode Links
Protect the Harvest – Dassinger Farm
The Stand at Paxton Co. – Movie
Dassinger Quarter Horses

If you sincerely care about the welfare of animals, and/or are concerned about your right to enjoy animals in sport, entertainment, agriculture, and even own pets, and truly want to know more about businesses and industries involved with animals and how they care for their animals, do not miss an episode of Heidi Herriott’s Animal Tales podcast. There is more to the story! Please subscribe, rate and review the podcast.

For more information about Heidi or future episodes of the podcast, go to www.heidiherriott.com/at-podcast.

Feedback is always appreciated at animaltalespodcast@gmail.com

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