In the 1990’s there was a movie, Free Willy about a killer whale that returned to the wild. Subsequently, there was an attempt to free a real whale, Keiko, the whale from the movie, and it ended with disastrous results. Mark Simmons, who was the lead trainer and behaviorist on the project resigned, and then authored the book, Killing Keiko. In the past couple weeks, there is news of another killer whale slated to be ‘returned to the wild’ by animal rights ideologues. In contrast, the true experts – trainers, vets, and behaviorists are not in agreement with this plan to release a whale who has been in human care for over 50 years. Listen in to a fascinating and important conversation about putting the animal’s care and welfare first. Check out the links below to the expert community speaking up for Lolita aka ‘Toki’.

Episode Links
Toki’s trainers and supporters – Truth4TOki web Facebook
Please sign the petition to keep her from going to the pacific Northwest
Killing Keiko by Mark Simmons Facebook

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