Duffified Live: The Coronavirus & The Restaurant Industry

Chef Brian Duffy, Duffified LiveWith the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic being nowhere near it’s end, the economy is taking a major hit. Arguably, no industry will be hit harder that the bar, restaurant, and service industries.

Today on Duffified Live, Chef Brian Duffy explains to you why that’s the case as he explains everything from employees who work the front end, the management standpoint, ownership, and how it all trickles down the supply chain and affects our nation’s food suppliers, truck drivers, farmers, and more.

Prepare to get educated because Professor Duffy schools you on the real danger of what’s about to occur to our great country.

Follow Chef Brian Duffy on Twitter and on Facebook.

Check out his website to learn more about him, to find his products, and some incredible recipes!

Listen to the Duffified Live show archive on Radio Influence!
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