Krush Performance: How Baseball Is Leading Sport In Athlete Development


The MLB All-Star break marks the midpoint of the most grueling schedule in all of sport.

As the very best players at every level of the Game took to the field to compete in the Commissioners Cup, the Futures Game, the Home Run Derby and the All-Star game itself, we wanted to take a step back and reflect on not only the crazy first half of the 2019 MLB season but baseball as a whole.

Baseball, steeped in tradition and classically very slow to adapt and change is now proving to be a sport leader in a number of areas.

Baseball is:

  • Most certainly The Undisputed leader in on-line presence! No other sport comes close.
  • Analytics and numbers. No other sport comes close.
  • Trending to be a leader in player development – the minor league system sets this up nicely and the baseball world is now gaining momentum in this area.
  • Participation: while MLB fan attendance is down there is growing interest in the game globally.

This week on Krush Performance we look at Major League Baseball’s mid-season numbers, consider the second half and we’ll talk player development and injury prevention.

Also, I have another great Krush offer from Rhone, our new go-to men’s clothing brand.

As always, if you have a topic you would like us to investigate get to us at and, keep yourself on the cutting edge of human performance Subscribe to the Krush podcast and sign up for our weekly Newsletter while you are there.

This week’s episode of Krush Performance is presented by Rhone, a men’s performance lifestyle and premium active wear brand engineered for unparalleled quality and comfort. They are an absolute necessity for guys on the go. It doesn’t matter if you’re training in the gym or jumping on international flights, they are your new go-to men’s clothing brand. Go to today and use promo code KRUSH to get 20% off your first purchase.

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