Krush Performance: Dealing with Change & Transitions with Jim Fannin

KP - PHOTO FOR RI SHOWThe fall season rolls on and the fall is by far my favorite time of year. The cool air, warm sun, turning of the leaves and lots of SPORTS! NFL, NHL, MLB Postseason, MLS, College Football, and the NBA are now underway and it is a full plate of fall sport that we are watching with great interest.

Today, we look at the NBA Krush Style, to nail down which teams we are watching and why, which players we are following and the storylines in the league. There is plenty to learn from professional sport and there are some very intriguing things happening in the Association this year.

Also, everyone will have to deal with change and/or transition at some point in life. Some changes are planned like going to college, marriage, applying for a new job while others are forced or come as a surprise, such as an injury, the passing of family or friends, or getting let go from a job.

Today, we talk with Krush Favorite Jim Fannin, “The Coach of Champions,” to talk about strategies for dealing with change and transition.

Dealing with change can be very difficult and I hope this episode helps out as many people as possible, it was an important conversation for me personally as I have been dealing with some major challenges and transitions myself.

This episode of Krush Performance is brought to you by Flavanaturals. Flavanaturals is a recently launched brand of chocolate and cocoa powder with five to nine times the cocoa flavanol antioxidants of a typical dark chocolate bar, levels shown to support brain function, heart health and exercise performance. Visit now, use the promo code KRUSH at checkout, and get 20% off of your order. Offer valid through 12/31/18.

Thanks for downloading! Pass the show on to your teammates, friends, and family and make sure to check out my new book “The Performance Plan” on Amazon.

Until next week, go get better!

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