Krush Performance: Back To The Basics To Maximize Performance

KP - PHOTO FOR RI SHOWIf we look at the amount of resources invested in professional sport, I can’t help buy wonder why we are not seeing more success. Then, it got me thinking – why indeed. Maybe it’s time to go back to the basics of human development.

An organization is a sum of its parts and the success of an organization depends on the ability of its parts to perform at a level that leads to success. No matter if you are a team athlete or an individual athlete (Tennis or Golf or Swimming…), a school or a business success depends on the ability of the people within your organization to perform.

Could it be that organizations at the very top of athletic performance (MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, Tennis, Golf….you name it) are missing some of the most basic fundamental building blocks of human development and ultimately human performance?

I think…yes. So, what are these building blocks?

We talk with Dr. Martin Mrazik, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta, about these very building blocks and how organizations may be missing this all important aspect of human performance.

Let us know if you have any questions, comments, smart remarks, or a topic you would like us to investigate. We may dedicate a segment or even an entire show to your topic.E-Mail Jeff with your questions and comments!

As always, thanks for listening!

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