Duffified Live: Loud And Proud

What happens when you put Chef Brian Duffy and two friends in the backyard of a former NFL offensive lineman who also happens to be a radio personality?

Insanity. That’s what happens. Pure…..unadulterated…..insanity.

It’s Chef Duffy’s final night of a road trip in Tampa so he’s hamming it up with his friends Kathy Suzewits, Monica, and nine year former NFL lineman and host of the “Flava In Ya Ear” podcast on Radio Influence, Ian Beckles.

To try to summarize this hour of hilarity is virtually impossible but the gang hits everything from Justin Timberlake to Ian’s playing days to men’s fashion to Philadelphia and so much more.

This episode is NOT intended for the kids so make sure the little ones aren’t around when you listen.

Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes and Stitcher!!!

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Also, do us a favor! Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and now on Google Play and make sure to rate and review!

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